Web Site Maintenance Design -- Design To Save Time!
It is a smart thing to try to save as much time in construction, and later in maintenance time as you can, so you can free yourself more valuable time building great content. When building a web site, it is important to have a plan to give yourself good direction while you configure your design. Your keyword research for instance, will not only help you increase search engine traffic, it will also help you determine your content and menus. You need to try to cover all reasonable possibilities at the planning stage which will save you time in the long run, and give your site a chance to develop in a reasonable order. You will want to build a menu structure for your site that is ordered and relevant. Firstly, just jot things down on paper while you build a solid idea of where you are going. When you get to the page design, if you are building from new or upgrading a template, first build just the "index page" and a single "content page" and test in at least these fo...